Lindenhurst Fire Department The Breslau Engine Company No.1 Union Hook & Ladder Company No.1 The Liberty Hose Company No.1 Chemical & Salvage Company No.2 Lindenhurst Chemical and Rescue Company No.1 Bay Rats - Hook Ladder & Engine Comapny No.2
Lindenhurst Fire Department

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A Brief History of The Lindenhurst Fire Department 

Volunteer firefighters have responded to the needs of Lindenhurst residents since 1877. However, it was not until May 20, 1885 that a local fire department was organized. There were 700 inhabitants in our village, then known as the "City of Breslau".

At that time, the firefighting equipment only consisted of one hand pump, a hook and ladder truck, and a hose cart. During those years, the firemen actually had the financial burden of paying for the equipment themselves. Each local company raised its own funds for the purchase and maintenance of equipment and buildings.

In 1885, Herman Funk was elected the very first Chief Engineer of the Lindenhurst Fire Department, with Hugo Waldau as Assistant, and Arthur Parthe as Secretary.

In 1886, the Breslau Fire Department only had a total of 44 men in the whole department, which consisted of 17 members in the Breslau Engine Company, 14 members in the Union Hook & Ladder Company, and 13 members in the Liberty Hose Company.

In 1889, 125 local citizens signed a petition to create a village fire district. The necessary papers were forwarded to the Suffolk County Board of Supervisors, and on September 17, 1889, the Breslau Fire District was established. The district only comprised one and one-quarter square miles with an assessed valuation of $275,000. A board of Fire Directors, consisting of three captains (one captain from each company) and two citizens, were elected.

By creating a fire district, the financial support of the Fire Department no longer rested on its members but became the taxpayer's responsibility. At that time, the taxpayers acquired the right to elect its chief.

In 1894, the city of "Breslau" was changed to the "Village of Lindenhurst". However, the fire department did not adopt the name "Lindenhurst Fire Department" until 1909.

As the department grew, it soon became apparent that a larger, modern fire headquarters was needed. Final plans and sketches were presented on May 05, 1922. Actual building operations began in September 1923. The total cost of the building was $50,000.

On May 24, 1924 the new main fire headquarters was the first local firehouse to be built with public funds. Fire headquarters is located in the heart of the village on Wellwood Avenue.

With the incorporation of the Village of Lindenhurst in 1923, the administration of the Fire Department underwent many changes. The Fire District was dissolved in 1925 by the Village Board and the election of the department chief again became a function of the department members only. Taxpayers, however, continued to financially maintain and support the department.

In November 1926, the Chemical & Rescue Company No. 1, Chemical & Salvage Company No. 2, and Hook, Ladder & Engine Company No. 2 were admitted into the department. The Lindenhurst Fire Department was the first department in the State of New York to have a rescue company. In 1927, a Fire Council was formed, which consisted of the Chief Engineer, his two assistants, and two wardens from each of the six companies.

Shortly after the addition of the three companies, fire substations were built in the north and south sections of the village to provide quick emergency response to the residents of Lindenhurst. Those substations are currently located on 39th Street and Lane Street. A third substation was built in 1979 on South Delaware at East Hoffman Avenue.

Lindenhurst Fire Department went through many stages of development in all respects. For example, the evolution of the department's alerting system demonstrates how far the Department has come since its first inception. The first fire signal was an old circular buzz saw that was hit with a metal hammer. Later on, large tin horns located at various points about the district were blown. Still later, the church bell on St. John's Lutheran Church was used. In 1893, a large bronze bell with a sounding board above it was placed on a high tower next to the old Palmer Avenue firehouse. A similar one was located at Liberty Hose headquarters. Then latter was replaced in about 1916 with an electric siren, which was used until 1925 when an air-controlled whistle was installed. This whistle was later used for fires only and a shrieking air whistle was used to summon members of the Rescue Squad for an accident or drowning case.

On August 15, 1962, Lindenhurst was one of the first fire departments to enter into the Town of Babylon Central Alarm System. Each fireman was issued a fire radio and this, in conjunction with the sound of the fire whistle, would summon them to the exact location of the fire or emergency.

Today, the sound of the fire whistle has left the local scene except for the traditional noon whistles. As of July 2, 1984, a radio paging system has been in effect. This compact radio pager can be carried with each fireman, alerting him to the precise location and nature of each alarm.

The Department has evolved with the changing needs of the community. It is hard to imagine the earlier years of the "Breslau" Fire Department, when the firefighters had to listen for that banging buzz saw and rely on only three pieces of apparatus. Today the department has more than 23 pieces of firefighting apparatus, which are housed in five firehouses.

The Lindenhurst Fire Department will continue to grow with the dedication of its members and the help and support of its community.


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Lindenhurst Fire Department
225 S Wellwood Avenue
Lindenhurst, New York 11757
Emergency Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 631-957-7530
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