Breslau Engine Company History of Trucks

The following describes some of the activity surrounding the acquisition of the various pieces of apparatus owned and operated by the Breslau Engine Company throughout years of dedicated service.
The need for funds was imperative since some kind of apparatus had to be acquired. A New Year's Eve ball at Gleste's Hotel proved financially successful. Charles Hirsch and Martin Bollinger were sent to College Point to check out a hand pumper. The pumper proved to be satisfactory and was purchased for $ 130.00 (including 250' of leather hose.) August Schmalkuchen loaned $65.00 on a note so that the company could complete payment on the purchase. There can be no doubt that the acquisition of this pumper was a good investment. This hand pumper is operational and is on display at Fireman's park.

The "Lady Warren", a horse drawn steam engine was added to the Company's equipment in August of 1891. It came from a private party in Greenpoint and cost $ 500.00 Over half of the purchase price was raised by a bond issue authorized by the residents of the fire district. The Long Island Railroad graciously conveyed the "Lady Warren" to Breslau free of charge. A public demonstration showed the engine capable of working up to 45 pounds of steam in 6 minutes and developing a 65-foot stream of water. Further improvements to the engine made it possible to have steam in 2 minutes.

A monthly meeting held August 12,1907 was called to order by Captain Joseph Schmidt. Member Charles Hirsch reported that he had a hose cart made in Babylon after visiting several firms in New York City. The lowest New York City price for a hose cart was $ 115.00 The price for the Babylon cart was $ 20.00 Painting was not included. It was resolved to accept this report and extend a vote of thanks to member Hirsch. At the monthly meeting held January 13,1908 Captain Schmidt reported that the hose cart was received a second coat of paint and was ready for lettering.
A monthly meeting held November 14, 1910 was called to order by Captain Joseph P. Warta. The committee for the brand-new hand drawn gasoline engine read the specifications from the Waterous Gasoline Engine Company. After a long discussion, it was resolved to approve the specifications. At the December meeting the fire district directors reported that the contract to furnish a hand drawn gasoline pumper was awarded. At the monthly meeting held April 10,1911, Second Assistant Foreman, William Kurdt reported that the new engine arrived and was found to be in good condition.
In 1920, the first motorized pumper was purchased by the Fire District for Engine Company use. This was a Brockway of American LaFrance make and was used for several years before being turned over to the Hook, Ladder and Engine Company # 2 of the Bay District.

At a regular meeting on October 9, 1922, Captain Jacob Leeman stated the running team had an opportunity to purchase an auto car at a reasonable price. On the outing to Knottswood, the members were called together and decided to authorize the purchase of the Pierce Arrow for $ 600.00. The converted Pierce Arrow was acquired in 1923 and dismantled in 1940. The pump was installed in the old American LaFrance Chemical & Rescue Company truck.
At the March 8,1926 monthly meeting, Captain Edward A. Schneider called the meeting to order. Henry Heyer Jr. was as secretary pro-tem. First Lieutenant Ralph Stuewe urged all members to support proposition No. 5 for the purchase of a new pumper. It was resolved to have 700 hand bills printed to solicit support for this new pumper. On October 11,1926, Captain Harry Torns called a meeting at which a vote was taken to determine what make of apparatus the company favored. 33 votes were cast for the American LaFrance. At the meeting held February 14,1927, Captain Ralph Stuewe reported that the new pumper had arrived and was tested and accepted by the Village Board. Captain Stuewe instructed all drivers not to exceed 30 miles per hour when responding to fires.
At the regular monthly meeting held on April 9 , 1948, Captain George Chivvis reported that the new pumper had arrived and was now in service.
At the regular monthly meeting held on October 14, 1968, Captain Roger Reuther stated the new pumper had arrived and was now in service. This truck was numbered 1-6-3, and then changed to 1-6-11, and fulfilled many years of faithful and dedicated service.

The 1990 Grumman was placed in service by Captain David Shaw in July of 1990. This pumper was manufactured by the Grumman Corporation at Roanoke, Virginia. The pumper incorporated the unique feature of a rear mounted pump.

2019 Rosenbauer On January 11, 2020, the current 1-6-3 was put in service by Captain Paul Mazza. This engine is a 2019 Rosenbauer Commander Engine. This new engine replaces the Grumman Engine after almost 30 years of service.

The Breslau Engine Company has and will continue to serve the Village of Lindenhurst for generations to come.

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